Friday, March 19, 2010

New resources for bicycle commuters

Biking directions for Google Maps
This is a great step in the right direction to help bicyclists plan commuting routes. We discussed Google Maps at the monthly bicycle commuters breakfast in Lancaster, PA this morning. It was agreed that the directions produced by this map engine are not always the best. We are hoping that the software is intelligent and will improve with time based on rider feedback. Knowing Google, we trust that it will.

Don't miss the five-person bike mobile 11 seconds into this video:

Pedaling Revolution
An excellent book by Jeff Mapes, Pedaling Revolution is an inspiration to the bicycling advocate that provides a detailed historical account of the legislation and community action behind the cities that are widely regarded as Bicycle Friendly.

Read the New York Times Review:

Buy the book through Amazon:

People For Bikes
Launched at the 2010 League of American Bicyclists Summit last week in Washington D.C., is an initiative of Bikes Belong Coalition to create social community around the love of the bicycle. It's a great idea and I hope it takes off.

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