Thursday, December 3, 2009

An open letter to Penn DOT

12/2/2009. Please let me register this 2001 Cushman Truckster from New York State. It's a motorcycle and I need it to haul things.

12/4/2009. Penn DOT has rejected registration of this vehicle, stating that the vehicle is not a motorcycle and is not road worthy.

In response I have gathered supporting evidence of other 3-wheeled enclosed cab motorcycles in PA and submitted it to them for review.

Included in my evidence is the Wildfire, an inferior 3-wheeled truck currently for sale at a York, PA motorcycle dealership.

All of this information has been submitted through Trina at Brimmer's Licensing Service in Lancaster. Trina has been most helpful and yet she is not optomistic that I am going to get anywhere. She has given me the direct phone number of the Special Service Unit in Harrisburg that handles the registration of unusual vehicles.

I will be calling them later today. Wish me luck!

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