Yo yo yo. I've done a poor job of updating my blog for the second half of this trip... but here's some good news for you, I've made it to Maine. The Whites were flat out awesome. Some of the best weather of my trip, following nearly a month of rain through CT, MA and VT. The Appalachian Mountain Club hut system made life easy in the Whites with lots of free food and work for stay. I also took a day off with Sheldon Miller. The weather continues to impress as I look forward to my last two weeks of this trip. Life is good. Saw a bear and a fox today. At this point, it looks like I'm still on schedule to make it to Katahdin on Sept. 2, but it's going to take some abuse to make it on time. I pushed 20 mile days through the Whites and am continuing the same now in the southern portion of Maine. My knees ache.

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